Contact & Media

EasyMining Sweden AB

Contact person:
Anna Lundbom, Project leader
+46 (0)70 927 28 29

The LIFE RE-Fertilize project number:
LIFE18 ENV/SE/000265

Conferences and exhibitions

11-15 Septmber 2022  | IWA Copenhagen  

20-22 June 2022  | ESPC4 Vienna The European Sustainable Phosphorus Conferences | Vienna, Austria

May 30–June 3 2022 | IFAT Munich World's Leading Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Waste and Raw Materials Management | Messe München 

Demonstration sites

In August and September 2022, BIOFOS and EasyMining arranged three possibilities to visit the demonstration plant at BIOFOS’ wastewater treatment plant Lynetten in Copenhagen at the different dates. 

If you want to visit us outside the official dates, please contact Anna Lundbom (project leader) and we will try to arrange something suitable.

LIFE RE-Fertilize in media

2022-09-07 |Press release | Pilot plant for nitrogen recovery from wastewater inaugrated 

2022-04-08 |News | First delivery of mineral fertilizer nitrogen from recycling process

2021-12-09 |Press release |Unique pilot plant for nitrogen removal and recovery opens

2021-05-26 | Article Progress on upscaling our nitrogen solution

2021-05-20 | COWI press release Vattenrening skapar ett grönare kretslopp (

2020-11-09 | Article | Swedish environmental magazine "Avfall och Miljö" (page 25)  "De ska utvinna kväve" 

2020-02-14 | Article  We are recycling nitrogen from waste water

2019-11-19 | Article   ”Ett viktigt genombrott för kväveåtervinning" (in Swedish)

2019-08-28 | News | "Vetenskapsradion" in Swedish Radio (scientific radio program) about LIFE RE-Fertilize and the problem we are solving (in Swedish)

2019-08-28 | Press releases on receiving the EU LIFE grant for project LIFE RE-Fertilize:

The RE-Fertilize project was financed by the EU LIFE programme. Project number LIFE18 ENV/SE/000265.